Claas/Klincke Training
The CLAAS/KLINCKE Drahtwerke are creating the next generation of young apprentices with their qualified training programmes. Time and again, apprentices from both plants are among the best in their year and have received several national awards.
Apprentices are trained as:
- Specialists in metal technology/specialising in forming/wire technology (wire drawing) m/f/non-binary
- Materials testers m/f/non-binary
- Industrial clerks m/f/non-binary
To train as a wire drawer, you should have at least a secondary school leaving certificate with a qualification. For training as a materials tester m/f/d or industrial clerk m/f/d, we expect a good secondary school leaving certificate or the German ‘Abitur’.
In addition to a willingness to show above-average commitment, we expect a high degree of social competence, reliability, honesty and openness!
Please watch out for our latest job advertisements and send your application documents to Mr Schulze by e-mail: